Sunday, May 29, 2011

Photography from my Yard

I spent pretty much the whole day taking pictures and then making them into collages to save space for this. Enjoy!
I actually don't know what this is. If someone knows, please leave it in a comment because I would like to know what it is!

These are a type of crab apple blossom

White bleeding hearts

Maple tree

unopened chive blossoms

we've all heard of an eagle's eye view, but here's an ant's eye view.

regular apple blossoms

buttercup. it took me a very long time to get a clear picture and it's still not perfect.

'Wish flower'. or if you are a boring, down to earth person 'a dead dandelion'. now which sounds better, really?

I haven't the slightest clue what this one is either, though it's pretty.

unopened rhododendron  

some sort of ornamental grass thing...


four different flowers that I have no clue what they are

white and purple lilacs

My kitty, Milo

pink bleeding hearts. I am very proud of the one with the bumble bee.

My other kitty, Seal

The sky from my backyard. all these were taken at the same time but are so different.

Violets, my favorite.

Like I said, I love photography. :) I'm hoping to get a new camera soon too. Right now I have a Nikon Coolpix, point and shoot camera which is a good camera, I just want a SLR. :)