Monday, May 30, 2011


Here is something that I am LOOOOVING!

This is amazing.

You can see where my leg was burned and where it wasn't. sorta.

And in this one you can see where my sunscreen stopped. Oops! 

Kayaking at Bailey Island

      So today we went kayaking at Bailey Island. It was such a beautiful day and no one had school or work or anything. When we first found out we were going to move to Maine (because of my dad's job), we came up for vacation to start looking around at houses and where we wanted to live and so on. During our vacation we rented a cabin on Bailey Island to stay in while we looked around at Maine. Today was the first time we have been back there since that vacation (not that we don't like the place, it's just out of the way). Anyway, back to kayaking. We unloaded the kayaks and put them in the water. 
Gus and Lydia find out the water is cold
      I was in the orange kayak (yay!) with my little sister Lydia. And we started paddling. Didn't take me long to figure out how bad of shape my arms were in. I haven't been working out (oops). 
     While we were kayaking we saw hundreds of thousands of white/clear jellyfish. 
This was the best picture I could get. I don't know what kind of jellyfish they were either. They either didn't have tentacles or else they were thin and translucent.
There were so many! I would not want to fall in. Then we headed for the islands surrounding Bailey Island (Bailey is large and there are small islands around it that are only big enough for one or two houses, if that). 
     My arms were so tired about.... 20 minutes into it that I had to be towed... haha.
My mommy. :)


someone else's sweet boat

My dad

Lydia again


vertical logs (a.k.a. trees)

My dad on a path


kayaks on the beach

more trees
There were some really pretty flowers in the woods but I don't know what they were. They look like stars.

     More things from the island...
A creepy tree

Couldn't find anything living...

Lydia skipping a stone

me skipping a stone
And we went to another island....
and there was a big rock.

a picture of my family taken from the top of the big rock

Hungry? Have a dish of Jellyfish!

Birds are messy eaters. never clean up the packaging from their  happy meals.

Fools gold

OMW it's a pink rock!

And that was it! 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Photography from my Yard

I spent pretty much the whole day taking pictures and then making them into collages to save space for this. Enjoy!
I actually don't know what this is. If someone knows, please leave it in a comment because I would like to know what it is!

These are a type of crab apple blossom

White bleeding hearts

Maple tree

unopened chive blossoms

we've all heard of an eagle's eye view, but here's an ant's eye view.

regular apple blossoms

buttercup. it took me a very long time to get a clear picture and it's still not perfect.

'Wish flower'. or if you are a boring, down to earth person 'a dead dandelion'. now which sounds better, really?

I haven't the slightest clue what this one is either, though it's pretty.

unopened rhododendron  

some sort of ornamental grass thing...


four different flowers that I have no clue what they are

white and purple lilacs

My kitty, Milo

pink bleeding hearts. I am very proud of the one with the bumble bee.

My other kitty, Seal

The sky from my backyard. all these were taken at the same time but are so different.

Violets, my favorite.

Like I said, I love photography. :) I'm hoping to get a new camera soon too. Right now I have a Nikon Coolpix, point and shoot camera which is a good camera, I just want a SLR. :)